These pictures are really crappy. I apologize for that, the only pictures I can put on my blog are from my phone. These are the throw pillows that I have finished so far. They are my first real project on my sewing machine that I got for Christmas. All I have used it for so far is sewing up my
moxie owl packages and making a couple of bean bags for my Sunday school class.
I finally remade the cat pillows after losing the originals to a tragic explosive pumpkin-mold incident:
I think they turned out even better than the
first set! Although I should have looked at the old picture before making these because I like the old version of the whiskers better.
These are my scrappy leaf autumn pillows. I got the idea off of
pinterest. They took forever to make because of all the individual leaf sewing but it was so worth it!
Hopefully I will get a new laptop someday and I will be able to post real photos of everything awesome that has been going on.
Oh yes, Cody made me a giant amazing beautiful chalk board. Here is a picture of it!
He made it out of a big sheet of metal sprayed with chalkboard paint. And of coarse he made the magnificent frame himself. Cody is pretty much the bomb.