Friday, March 9, 2012

I looked out the window...

Ahh, spring. A time for blooming blossoms and a feeling of freshness. Also one of the few times of the year my neighbors can spot me jumping up and down under a tree with a pair of pruners bobbing dangerously over my head.

I love to decorate my home using things from nature, which means I have to clip some branches from my trees every once in a while. Which means I have to jump high enough to get my pruners around the branch and clip it all at once. This is hard. And it probably looks pretty ridiculous. I get winded after just a few jumps, and then I start looking like a muppet person flopping to and fro under the branches. But the apricot blooms adorning my house and the lovely smell they make is all worth it.



Apriocot Blossoms






1 comment:

  1. Those look so pretty. I love they way you have them all set up.
