Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Mmm, quesadilla...

Bump Day Prego Stats!
How far along: 19 weeks
Size of baby: 6 inches long, or the size of a mango.
Gender: Boy.
Maternity Clothes: I love my maternity jeans that I got from Old Navy. I also was recently able to fit into a maternity dress that I got before I even got pregnant. (It was on sale, I had to.) Serena dress by More of Me Maternity shown here:
Serena Dress

Stretch Marks: Not yet.
Sleep: It is now just normal for me to wake up around 4:00 and be wide awake. And then of course at work I want a nap so bad!
Food Cravings: None at the moment. But I will randomly want weird things at weird times. Like late one night after dinner I suddenly needed a quesadilla asap. Or another time I needed peaches and vanilla ice cream, together. But last night we had a delicious dinner of rotisserie chicken, baked sweet potatoes with marshmallows, and asparagus. Yum!
What I miss: Going to movies. Every time we try to see The Hobbit, I get sick.
Looking forward to: Still looking forward to feeling that baby move!
Symptoms: Random sickness at night and sometimes in the morning. I tried to eat Mexican food this weekend and it was a bad, bad, bad choice.
Worst Moment this week: Finishing Once Upon A Time first season on Netflix and not having the next season!
Best Moment this week: Driving our new mini-van home! We bought a Town & Country in Las Vegas. She is very pretty. Cody watched Nacho Libre on the way home in the back. Get that corn outta my face! 

But, though I do drive a mini-van, I refuse to be called a soccer mom. I need to put a new Deftones sticker on it, asap! It will be weird driving it around with just me and no kids in it. I could pretend I just dropped the kids off at school, but then I would be driving a mini-van and making up children that don't exist. I think that option might be worse.

1 comment:

  1. Cody is so lucky, Nacho Libre in a new van. Big kiss, little kiss!
