Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Our Christmas Gift to Us

We had our gender ultrasound on the 20th of December. I read an idea on a message board I follow where a pregnant lady was going to have the ultrasound tech put her gender results in an envelope and then they would open it on Christmas Morning. I read this idea to Cody, not thinking he would really want to wait and to my surprise he said "Let's do it!"

My family was all thinking it would be a girl. I felt like it would be a boy from the beginning but I was definitely not sure at all. I read that whatever you dream it will be, it will be the opposite. In all of my dreams it was a girl, so there was another reason to believe it was a boy.

We went to the appointment and the tech did her thing. We saw a little hand and a creepy face and a spine and a brain. Then she told us to cover our eyes. It didn't take her very long to find it. That also made me think it was a boy because boy parts are probably easier to spot.

We went home and waited and waited and waited. Every time I was in the living room, the mysterious envelope would stare at me and I would stare back. I could know if I just opened it! It was hard to resist but I reminded myself that Christmas would be way more special if we waited.

Christmas morning came and we were so excited. We drew out the anticipation by eating breakfast and opening stockings first. And then the moment came. Cody made me open it. We put it face down on the floor and we both flipped it over at the same time. Ah!

I was right! A little bouncing baby boy will be joining us in June.

Cody is very excited to have a little Cody running around soon!

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