Monday, April 29, 2013

The Baby Shower! Blue and Orange

Here are some kind of a lot of photos from the baby shower taken by the hostess, my sister-in-law, Elisa. The theme was orange and blue and as you can see, everything turned out amazingly!

The invitations:

The seating:

The AWESOME letters made by Elisa for Sawyer. These are totally going in his nursery. He is one lucky baby!

One of the activities we had was for everyone to color an alphabet page for Sawyer. We gave them a page with a letter on it and they had to draw something that started with that letter. Everyone was asked to be creative and no "C" is for Cat's or anything like that. They turned out so cute! They will be made into a book for Sawyer. I can't wait to see how it turns out!

Here is the coloring station.

Here is the lovely me, trying to not walk in the heels I chose to wear.

My doggy Lulu Belle! Not many people seemed to like her dress. But she matched the party!

Cody planted orange and blue flowers just for the shower. And I would like to mention that for most of the shower, he voluntarily stood next to my chair and made sure I had everything I needed. He also filmed the highlights with the cam-corder. And he even colored a few alphabet pages. I love that man.

Baby food tasting game. Yum! And each one had a little chevron covering with a diaper safety pin holding the number.

The party favors were blue and orange sixlets. Seriously, so much detail went into this! Elisa rocks. Look at the little flags on the boxes!

 The food table even had color coordinated food and drinks.

I must say, one of my favorite parts were the gray paper straws and the blue cutlery. And the carrot cups. Ok, all of it was my favorite.

Oh yeah. and ONESIE and BIB shaped tiny finger sandwiches!!! I mean.... how adorable is that?? It's just too cute.

The shower was beautiful and turned out better than I could have ever imagined. We so appreciated Elisa throwing this for us, and for family traveling for this little event, and for all of the lovely gifts we received. We sure are blessed! Thank you so much!!!!


  1. Your sister in law did such an awesome job! Everything looked so cute.

  2. So cute! Where did you get your cute dress?

  3. Thanks Shelbie! I got it on Gilt Group. It's by More of Me Maternity.
